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My Top 3 Non-Software Development Books For Productivity, Motivation & Well-being

My Top 3 Non-Software Development Books For Productivity, Motivation & Well-being

Sometimes we get lost in the software development/tech bubble and have to remember to take a step back from the computer screen and look at the bigger picture of life.

I did it! I attended my first Dev Conference and I didn't die.

I did it! I attended my first Dev Conference and I didn't die.

I attended my first software developer conference(s) last week: Blavity's AfroTech and Google's Chrome Dev Summit.

Oh, the dilemma! Should you learn React or Angular or Vue or “Another framework”.js

Oh, the dilemma! Should you learn React or Angular or Vue or “Another framework”.js

What framework or library is best to learn first? Is it React.js or Angular or Vue.js or "who the hell knows”.js. or should you know all of them?

“The heights by great men reached and kept were not attained by sudden flight, but they while their companions slept, were toiling upward in the night.”
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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